Linux Up Skill – Day 15


Moving on to lesson 15 of the Linux Up Skill Challenge and then I think I’ll call it a day. Day 15’s lesson is titled “Deeper into repositories…” The lesson’s description speaks of going under the covers of apt which should be something new I can learn about.

The lesson starts off with an overview of package managers like apt, yum, and dnf. Then it has me view my /etc/apt/sources.list via less /etc/apt/sources.list. To showcase the number of packages available to be installed the lesson has me run apt-cache dump | grep "Package:" | wc -l which returns 102320 packages. More options than anyone probably ever needs for a single server.

Next the lesson asks me to enable the multiverse repositories. It does not describe how to do this itself but refers you to Ubuntu documentation. It looks like I can do this either by uncommenting lines in the sources.list file or by utilizing the add-apt-repository command. I’ll just edit the file I think today. vim /etc/apt/sources.list lets me uncomment the four lines for the multiverse. Then I run sudo apt update, then the lesson has me run sudo apt install netperf. This completes successfully and I take note that apt indicates the package was retrieved from the multiverse. Perfect!

Now the lesson wants us to install neofetch. Sure thing. sudo apt install neofetch. That runs and completes successfully. Then it wants me to check the version of neofetch. Sure thing. neofetch --version returns a result of Neofetch Now the lesson has me add an additional repository. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch. This takes some time but completes. Then if you perform sudo apt update and then sudo apt install neofetch it is supposed to install a newer version. However when I check with neofetch --version I still get the same It looks like this is the latest in this repository and the main repository has caught back up to it. I at least understand the principles of the lesson so I’m not too worried about the example not working correctly.

About the author


I am a geek that is passionate about technology and all of the very cool things it can do.

By David

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