Docker-OSX Not Running

Docker-OSX Not Running
Photo by Maurits Bausenhart / Unsplash

Configure Docker-OSX

So I started this container back up today. It's a bit of a pain having to install the operating system each time you run the container, but I could change up the command to fix that if I need to. I notice that it struggles when I move the window from one monitor to another. I was finally able to get all my conversations synced and loaded into macOS's iMessage. Cool! It's a bit of a tedious process to save each conversation individually, but it's something I can slowly work on if I make the operating system persistent. Amazingly their documentation shows that can be done with the following:

# Look at your recent containers and copy the CONTAINER ID
docker ps --all

# docker start the container ID
docker start -ai 123containerid456

I ended up saving a bunch of older conversations that haven't been touched in years to .PDF and copied them over to my fileserver for posterity. I'm a fool and should have paid attention to how much space I reclaimed on my iPhone. But I didn't, all I can remember is that it was a good number of gigabytes.