Linux Up Skill – Day 12


I’m going to work on day 12 of the Linux Up Skill Challenge today. Today’s lesson is called “Transferring files.” It looks like this is going to focus on moving files to and from your server as well as uploading some images for your webpage. The lesson begins by covering some common protocols used to transfer files such as SMB, AFP, WebDAV, FTP, SCP, RSYNC, and SFTP but looks like it may focus in on SFTP.

It looks like my guess is correct, since SFTP is working through SSH it is already set up and running on the server so the lesson next talks about getting a SFTP client. Easy enough I already have WinSCP on my desktop so I should be ready to go. Easy enough to connect via WinSCP which takes me to my home directory.

First the lesson wants me to copy files from my server to my desktop from my home folder as well as from /var/log. Ok. Well I have a testfile and day5description.txt in my home folder so lets copy those. Easy enough. Then it wants me to copy some files from /var/log. I grab auth.log and the entire apache2 folder and transfer a copy to my desktop.

Next it has me create an images folder under my home folder. Then upload some images to it. OK, I have some images of random internet memes on my desktop so I’ll copy those over. Then I have to create another images directory in the root directory. This fails due to a lack of permissions.

This is where the lesson ends but it does link to a resource for using SFTP to transfer files from one server to another. The list of command line commands for SFTP is a nice resource I will hold on to.

About the author


I am a geek that is passionate about technology and all of the very cool things it can do.

By David

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