
Linux Up Skill – Day 10


Lesson ten of the Linux Up Skill Challenge is called “Getting the computer to do your work for you.” Automation is a topic I can always learn more about and spend more time with. The lesson starts off with Cron. It starts with explaining the different ways to use Cron. It starts with crontab -l to view my user level tasks. I get a result of no crontab for david which is not surprising...

Linux Up Skill – Day 0


A day 0 to prep. Sounds great! They say each day’s lesson should take between 1 and 2 hours depending on your skill level. So I do appreciate them giving some prep before the lessons start in June. Day 0 is focused on preparing your own server. They are recommending Google Cloud as the platform to set up with. I’m familiar with setting up servers in AWS and Azure so I’m going to...

Setting Up R730 Part 2


Well with my OS on a trusty thumb drive I plug it into the server and came back to my desktop. I finish the Lifecycle wizard and the server reboots. It boots right up from the thumb drive and begins the Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 installation. I create a 75GB partition for the OS. I am old dog and remember the days of gnashing your teeth over that OS drive being full and having no good options...

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